Tuesday, November 17, 2009

My God of Wonders

Well, I have to admit that I have been lazy in writing on my blog, so I am sorry for that. But I have to share this with everyone!!!

As most everyone knows I have been having issues with seizures. (I actually had one 2days after my last post.) I don't have a job or insurance. My roommate and her mother took me to the ER after I had my last seizure- September 15. Of course my bill was out of this world, at least for me because I didn't have a job. So, of course I am praying every day that the Lord would provide a job for me so I can make the payments on it. I get a statement/bill in the mail this past Friday. So, I call the people and I start to lay my complaint before them, when she asks me for my account information. So, I told her the number. As soon as I finish telling her my account number she says "That account has been taken care of". I said "What? I owe $193 this month; what are you talking about"?! She went on to ask me about the charity I had applied for. I told her that I had, but I thought I was denied. She told me that I had been approved 100% by charity!!! I was so excited that I let out a big "praise the Lord" over the phone! (I think the lady thought I was a bit crazy!) But I know that that was totally God. I looked at the letter I received telling me that I was approved 100%, and it did say I was approved. I guess I just didn't understand that it was saying approved and not denied. But I know that the Lord has His reasons for letting me not understand a month ago. He let that happen, so He could show me, very visibly, that HE is in control and I don't have to worry, because He is going to provide my every need!
Another miracle that He performed is that I am getting all my healthcare done through a free clinic here in Gainesville. And also I am getting an MRI and an EEG done through Health Access totally free. Ain't God good!!?? I know He has been for me and will continue to be; all I have to do is trust Him.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

PreDepression Sign

Ok, so I have to be honest...I have had signs of depression in my life! My bestest roommate ever told me that signs of depression are NOT BRUSHING YOUR TEETH in the morning and also not getting ready as well. So a simple little thing like that could lead to depression! And I have to admit, I have been discouraged alot lately. But I am learning to have faith, but also to let God build it too. I think that God has me going through the situations I am going through to build my faith.
Pray that as I go through these situations that God would be glorified through ALL of it; that every thought would be honoring and glorifying to Him.

So, from now on I am going to get up, pray, brush my teeth and get ready, then go on glorifying God with whatever I do that day!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Devotions September 13, 2009

Ok, well I have to praise the Lord first of all. God gave me the opportunity and courage to talk to Bro Blackstock on Thursday about getting baptized and joining LBC. And so this morning I was baptized and tonight I, finally, joined Lighthouse! Amen praise the Lord!

Now on to the devotions... also Bro Blackstock preached about Missed Mercy tonight, and part of my devotions were about that same topic. I read in Psalm 85. The Psalmist David is thanking God for forgiving the sins of the people but also to revive them so they can praise Him. God wants to revive me. I believe He has and still is reviving me. Revival starts with getting right with God. I did get right with God; I accepted Christ as my Savior and I am trying to draw closer to Him each day. At the end of verse 6 it says "that thy people may praise thee". I cannot properly praise the Lord for all He has done for me when my heart is not right with God. Every day I need to ask God to revive my heart, so I can truly praise Him. Verse 8 says "I will hear what God the LORD will speak...but let them not turn again to folly". A lot of times I say I am going to change and after I hear what God tells me to do, but then a week later I turn back to the same thing that got me into trouble. I missed some Mercy Warnings from my leaders and from my God. Whoever reads this, let me say that it is very easy to just talk it up. You may think you have it under control but you don't. Satan knows our weaknesses (trust me he knows mine). Once we let God out of our lives, that is when Satan comes to us to take us down.

Teens, listen to what your parents and other leaders tell you. God uses them as Mercy Warnings in your life to help you not make the wrong decisions. In my own life, I had 2 or 3 different Mercy Warnings before I made the wrong choice. Now, I regret making the choice I made. Listen to what God is trying to tell you. Obey what He says and don't go back to that trouble!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Devotions September 10, 2009

Psalm 78:36-37

Here is a general summary of these two verses... Verse 36 tells us that the children of Israel flattered the Lord with their words and they lied to Him. Verse 37 tells us that their heart wasn't right with God. They also weren't fully/truly committed to the promises that they had made with their God.

Now for me... In my life before Christ, after I would get into trouble I would always pray "God forgive me. I want to live for You. Help me to honor You and glorify Your name". But even after I would pray all that (flattering God), a week later I would go right back into doing the same thing. The Devil would tempt me and I would go running back to my sin. During those times I wasn't right with God- I wasn't a Christian. I told people I was and people also believed I was because of all the good things I did. Boy did I have myself and others fooled!! But, I never fooled God. He knew I wasn't saved. And whoever reads this let me tell you that you cannot fool God. He knows all things! If you aren't saved, get your heart right with God and become a Christian! If you are saved, quit flattering God with your prayers and remember the promise you made to Him.

I know in my own life, Satan knows the weak areas of my life. And he likes to attack those areas a lot. It is a daily struggle, but I am learning to put the Shield of Faith up with the Devil comes along and tempts me. If you are going through a similar situation, remember "I can do all things through Christ".

Thursday, September 3, 2009

For in Christ you are a New Creature

Well, I am back in America and in Georgia! But, I do miss North Africa. Thank you so much for all the prayers while I was there and also while I was in the hospital as well. I know God answered all of them, because God did some awesome things in me. I had a different kind of experience while I was there. Most people would think that when you go on a Mission's Trip or Internship that you are there for the people (which you are, don't get me wrong), but for me God had me go there so I could get some things straightened out between me and my God.
While I was there God used some wrong decisions I had made to bring me to the realization that I was living like a Pharisee and that I was just going through the motions-even my salvation. I thought that I had gotten saved 10 years ago, but nothing really changed in my life. I didn't even want to tell people that I had gotten saved! Now, I know for sure that I am on my way to Heaven! Praise the Lord! God has changed my heart in many ways; I have a peace and a joy like I never had before!

The first week in
Morocco I experienced a little culture shock. Not only was I the only student there, but being a female, I couldn’t really go out to a lot of places by myself. The first few nights I cried a lot, mainly because I missed my family and friends! I thank God that He gave me a heart that can adapt to culture quickly. And I also had some really great roommates while I was there, which helped a lot in times of loneliness.

Church was very different in the sense that we couldn’t just set up a church building and have a church service. We had to be very wise about it. Basically we had a house-church. We would have the service at the Moroccan believer’s apartment, the missionary’s house, and a few times we set up a tent in the forest outside of the city. I couldn’t understand most of it because of the language barrier, but I loved to hear them sing. For the first part of the service we would just sing songs - in Arabic. I loved it! It was just awesome to hear men who have only been saved for 2 or 3 years singing praises to the Lord. It was a beautiful time.

My favorite memory/experience while being there was when we took a trip to one of the believer's family's village. While we were there I guess the Lord just broke my heart for the people, not only North Africans, but the people who have never heard the Gospel one time. I would love to go back some day, but for now I am learning and serving here at Lighthouse Baptist Church in Dawsonville, GA. Pray for me that I would grow in Christ and not be the same as I was.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

The end of my summer is the beginning of a lifetime!

Well, this week has been our last week here in North Africa! It has been fun so far and there have been tears already shed. I know that I will miss this place so much! I have learned alot these 3 months!!!
God has taught me how to really trust Him for everything, even the small things. I have learned how to be confident in myself and how to truly love myself the way God has made me. I am learning complete contentment in Christ everyday. I am learning how to step out of my comfort zone and talk to people and also do things that I would never do in America. This trip has changed me thoroughly and I am so thankful I was able to come this summer!!

Do pray for Rebecca and I as we travel on Sunday (Rebecca) and Monday (me).

Thursday, July 23, 2009


Breaks are always nice; this week Rebecca and I are in another city with a couple learning from them. They have been married a year but God is working through both of them here in this city. One thing that I have learned is that alot of people here are night owls. For instance, it is midnight here and the wife is preparing dinner! I think we have been up each night until 2AM since monday when we got here!

We have had many opportunities to talk and the wife shared many things that I know I gleaned from. One thing that she said was "Wherever you go, make it home". That really helped me alot! I think in many cases I have made my home here for 3months. It helps me not miss my family and friends as much.

As I am here I feel like these past few weeks God has been teaching me more than the first few weeks. As I read this morning God showed me a few things. In 1Thessalonians 1:8,9, Paul describes where those who reject God will go after they die. They will be "punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord".
A prayer request for the nations here in North Africa would be that the Word of God would have free course. Pray that more people would be burdened to come and at least see the work that is already being done and the future plans of this work. Pray for the North African believers. There is persecution but God is more than able to overcome that persecution.

Anyways, I just wanted to give a quick update and challenge. Pray that my last week will be effective for the Lords sake!!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

a Brief Summary

I am sorry for not writing in a while. Hopefully this will be a help to someone.

Things keep getting busier and busier, which for me, leads to me being more stressed and what not. My walk with God wasn't as it should have been. So, it is very easy to become discouraged and unmotivated when you don't pray and read your Bible. It is alot easier to make some dumb decisions as well. But, praise the Lord, God brings people into your life that tell you the way things are. Things are much better now; God is working in my heart so much! I am learning to put Him first for everything!

This past Sunday we had an awesome Sunday Morning Service. We had 2 people get baptized! We also did the Lord's Supper as well. It was just a sweet service to be a part of. We've also had a few men from the States visiting (they actually left this afternoon), which were a blessing to me. It was great to be able to talk to more than just 5people. But it also made me look forward to seeing people that I haven't seen in a while and telling them about the things God is doing in my life!

Susie Wachob
2Cor 12:15

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The weekend in Review

Well, my fourth of July was very exciting! We actually know some other Americans here in North Africa, so we were able to go visit them and have a little party. It was fun and we got to meet some new friends. Afterwards, we went to another friend's house and were there until midnight. It was worth it though; we had a great time.

Sunday, the meeting was at our house, so we spent Sunday morning cleaning and getting it ready for everyone to be there. Also, I had to make the tea with one of the Nationals. I was scared to death!! And even after I made it, I had to pour it as well. I was so nervous that I spilled some on the table. (At least it wasn't someone's lap.)

I am learning that I cannot live for myself. I need to live for God and getting the Gospel out to others.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Paul and Silas 2009

A lot has happened this week in many different ways! This week Rebecca and I had Arabic every day. We also taught English a total of 16hours, separately. So, for those reasons we are very tired. We are also meeting with contacts as much as possible, trying to witness to them in due time.

I think the major thing that has happened this week was that God's name was glorified in prison. Tuesday morning an American student and a national believer left for a 2week trip to pass out cds, mp3s, and Bibles to people they came in contact with. Wednesday we receive a call saying that they had spent the night in jail! The story goes along that they were meeting a guy to give him a Bible, but when they got there the guy had brought the police along with him. So, the police took our friends to jail. They got questioned, they did get scuffed up some, but they were let go. While they were in jail they witnessed to people and were a testimony for the Lord. The police did take all the Bibles, mp3s, and cds that they had brought, but the guys are fine and they are continuing on their journey.

It was weird that that happened on Tuesday and Wednesday, because on Wednesday I read in 1 Corinthians about how we are called to preach the Gospel of Christ, whether we suffer for it or not. It is very easy for me to just walk past these people and not say anything about Christ, because I don't want to get hurt or put in jail. But, if I don't care enough for these people, then who's going to tell them?

I'm sure we all know people who we see every day that they are saved, but do we care enough to open our mouth? At least in America they speak English and we're not going to be thrown in jail for telling them! Just a challenge to love people you see every day and always be a testimony for Him!
Thank you for praying, and continue to pray for my friends as they will be returning in a few days!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Loong Week!

Well, I now have a new roommate! Yay! Rebecca got in Wednesday afternoon from the airport in Casablanca, although her luggage was lost. I moved into a new house, so I am getting adapted to the way things work over there.
Thursday, we took our first arabic class together, so that was fun. I think our teacher is going to have fun for the next few weeks. Just pray that we will learn more.
Saturdayday was crazy! We left our city at 8 to go to Casablanca to pick up my roomie's luggage--by train! So, it took 6 hours to get to the airport, then 2 hours to find her stuff, and then another 6hours home. It was a long and tiring day.
This morning's service was really awesome! I loved the fact that they were not afraid of singing out for the Lord. They were loud and just loved praising Him. It was really awesome, and they have 2 dozen believers as well. God is good!

Continue praying for me as I am here serving Him these last few weeks. Pray that God would get the glory through me, but also pray that I would be all here and that I would hear what the Lord has for me. Thank you for your prayers for me; I have heard that many people are praying for me and the work here, and for that I thank you!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

A Sad Goodbye

Yesterday all my roommates left to go back to the States. It was a hard goodbye, but I know that I am still here for a purpose. Tomorrow I am going to Casablanca to pick up my nect roommate, so that will be exciting!

She and I will be teaching English together and following up on the contacts we made before she came, and also making new friendships. (In addition to teaching basic English classes I teach a business English Class as well.)

Please pray for me as this 6weeks will be much more different than the first 6weeks. I will be learning how to live like a real adult, if that makes any sense. I can't depend on others to talk or do things for me, I have to learn to do it for myself. And there are other lessons I am learning as well; lessons that God is teaching me through His Word.

One lesson I am learning from God is that every day I have to put on the armor of Light here in this city. The armor of Light is Christ. Every day I have to put Him on, so to speak. I must rely on Him and Him alone.

I do appreciate all the prayers and keep them going to Heaven!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Week Looong Trip

We just returned from a week long trip touring different parts of the country. We were in cities and villages. I really enjoyed the village. It was much different than I expected. The people were very nice and shared with us what they had, which wasn't a whole whole lot.

While in the village, one of the believers told us a little bit about what Muslims believe about life after death. It was very moving. We were standing around the grave of his father. His father heard the Gospel, but never accepted It. The next day I was on a train and I saw a village and then I saw a graveyard. Those people most likely never heard the Gospel ever. It was very impacting to me. I get to go to a wonderful church and get to live in a free country where I can hear it every Sunday, but they don't. They won't ever hear unless someone goes and tells them.

This isn't a huge long post, but I just want to ask that you pray that God would send someone to these people. Our friend encouraged us to pray that if the Lord wanted you here to direct the way, but if He didn't then to send someone else. That's my prayer right now. My heart was touched by the sights of what I saw this week, but I know that God is working and His will will be done.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Glory to His name!!!

The day I asked you to pray for Miriam, God worked a miracle. It is only through Him that Miriam accepted Christ as her personal Savior!!!!!!!!!! The day after she made this huge decision, I saw her and she was just so happy and joyful. She told our friend that people at her work had noticed a difference in her. God is so good! I am so thankful to be here this summer!!!

Continue to pray for me. Tomorrow I will be spending time with a teen girl and her mother. She will be teaching me how to make CousCous. Pray that I would have the words to say when they ask me questions. Thanks again for all you support and prayers!!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Shards of Glass

This morning I got to class a few minutes early, so I decided to do some things on my computer. Well, my friend and I were in the middle of checking emails and all of a sudden we hear a loud crash and glass shatter!! Honestly I didn't think too much about it because we have crazy neighbors. Then I see 2 of the other students come out asking for a cloth or bandana that they could have. Then I see the problem....one of the guy students came out with a bleeding arm! The glass had cut his arm terribly!! The teacher and the other students helped get a tee-shirt tied around his arm to help stop the bleeding. So, then they eventually get him to the hospital, and praise the Lord he only had to get a few stitches!! So, that is an answer to prayer!

On a more serious note, I do ask that you pray for our friend Miriam. Tonight, our friends are going to share the Gospel with her again. She has a lot of questions, but she has told us already that "she could believe" what we believe! Amen, God is so good! He is working in many hearts, I really believe.

Keep praying for us as we are here spreading His glory! I know that through your prayers God is working!! So keep on keeping on!!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Cake Baking

Yesterday, we took the believers to a place 45minutes away from where we live. Basically it was out in the middle of the woods somewhere. Two weeks ago, the man started a series from Ecclesiastes, but all of it I can't understand anyways because it's not in my language. Last night, though, he spoke to us college students about what he spoke to the believers about that morning. He spoke from Ecc 3. Basically the whole point of his message was that to everything there is a purpose. God is doing everything for a reason. The preacher gave an example of a cake. Like a cake you don't put all the ingredients in at once; you add one thing then add something else and so on and so forth. I am the cake and God is the Baker. God is adding ingredients to my life little by little until I am ready for the task He has for me. For instance, this trip is another ingredient of my life. I am learning new things about God and the plans He has for me and not my own plans. There are times in my life that I am like it's not fair, why do they already have that and I don't!! But, there is a reason why I don't and that reason is so I can glorify Him. So, that was one part that was really cool about the message. The other part was our responsibility to God. We are to rejoice in His doings, and we are to trust that He knows what's best.

I know for me I am learning things every day, and one of those things is simply trusting in the Lord. I hope this short recap of the message I heard last night helps someone else as it has helped and encouraged me.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Only in North Africa with some White Chicas.....

Ok, so only in North Africa with some white girls would a day like today happen!!!

So this morning we get up thinking that we are going to a nearby village again with some of our college age friends. Well, we get to the bus station and get on a bus for a nearby village. Everything is going great- other than we were an hour late. So, on the bus ride my friend and I start a conversation with the N Africans sitting next to us. By the end of the "30 minute" ride---turned into an hour--- they were in love with us, especially my friend. So, they ask us to go to their house!! And we want to so the other girls were like "sure for a little while". This was at like 2. We didn't get to their house until 3. We took a bus to their "bus stop". All the bus stop was, was the side of the road. Then the way to their house was even crazier!!....we had to walk at least a mile through a HUGE field, up hills, through cow and donkey droppings. It was not pleasant, to say the least. But when we got there, the people were so friendly! They bought little snacks for us to eat and they made us Mint Tea. It was really nice. And while I helped in the kitchen, the other girls had a chance to witness to our friends who we brought with us! Praise the Lord! So, we ended up leaving their house at 4:30, and we ended up getting down to the road at 5:30!!! Craziness!! And when we got to the road, there were no taxis or buses! So, we ended up hitchhiking!! It was great; we were all so tired but the guy let us ride in the back of his truck!! So, we finally get back to civilization and we get a ride in a glorified minivan. The thing only was supposed to hold maybe 20 people, but we fit at least 25. So, we were jam-packed in the vehicle for an hour! It was bad! My legs were very much squished after that trip!

After all of this happening, I am thankful that we were able to do that. We were able to share the Gospel with all of our friends. We also had a great cultural experience! I will never forget it, that's for sure!!

Summary of a few days....

Ok, so Sunday was so incredibly awesome! The other half of the church here came to where my group is at to have church. In total there were over 20 people, 12 of them being North African believers!!! It was an awesome sight to see and amazing to hear their voices singing to the one, true God!
Sunday evening I went to meet a few college age students with another girl from the group, which turned into us meeting 2 teenagers! I don't know what it is, but the Lord has been sending teen girls in my path to talk to, and all of them are 15 years old. It's sad but so true that these girls are just like some of the girls I know in America. They're whole purpose for living is for pleasure or they're drifting and waiting for Prince Charming to say the right thing to them. But I am excited because these girls and I might be able to meet up again on Sunday afternoon at McDonalds. Just pray that God would give me wisdom in how I handle the whole situation with them, because they are Muslim teenagers, so I'm sure their parents would not appreciate me telling their kids about the Lord. But, it could be a good thing, because if it effects them it may effect their parents. I know God will work everything out in this situation, but pray that He will give me wisdom to say and do the right things.

The other teen girl I met, I actually went to her house on this past Tuesday. It was really funny because I thought she was at least 20, but when I saw her I knew she would be younger and she told me she was 15. But she is a sweetheart! And her mother was there too, which she helped me with a few Arabic phrases. This is the awesome part!!...They invited me back tomorrow at 3 and she is going to teach me how to make Mint Tea (which is the best tea here in N Africa). Also, they invited me over to their house again next Friday to eat CouCous, which Muslims only eat this on Fridays. So, the Lord has been blessing me with meeting people lately, praise His name!!

Yesterday, we went to Spain which was really fun! And honestly, I was a little nervous, but everything was fine! We walked over the border, which was interesting with the passport patrol people. We got in fine. Basically, we just walked in. While we were there we ate several authentic Spanish cuisine (which made my stomach just lovely). We ate octopus, duck, chicken heart, chicken, sausage stuff, crab salad, and stuff that was like tuna fish. It was definitely not extremely filling to say the least. Afterwards, we passed out John and Romans to Muslims on the street (at least we tried). Some took them but others didn't. I had one guy flat out tell me "no I am a Muslim, I believe in Mohammed". It just made me want to shove it in his face and say this is the truth!!! But I know that if I do that then it just turns them off easier.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

June 2nd

Today was a great day! I met 3 new people today!!...
The one was a follow up visit with a girl I met last night in our Apartment Building. I met her and her mother. She is only 15, so it was a little weird at first. But, I asked her to teach me how to make Mint Tea, so I am going to her house on Friday for her to teach me. Then next Friday they invited me to eat CousCous with them. So, there is a friendship starting to form with her family.
The other 2 I met this evening at McDonald's. They were also only 15, but they told me they hang out a lot! They knew quite a bit of English, which helped me talk to them about teenage things in general. And they seemed very fun and excited that I-an American- would even talk to them. So, I think we are going to meet up again in the near future.
I also went with another friend of mine to meet 4 college-age students at a cafe. They are a lot of fun! We laughed a lot of the time! I hope and pray we can continue a good friendship with them and that in the Lord's time we will be able to share the Gospel with all of them.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Time Change

Ok, so the time changes during the summer in North Africa. This morning I was awakened by the other girls who had gotten up due to the fact that our "house-mom" told us that there was a time change last night!! So, actually we all woke up an hour later than what we actually thought. So, 2 of the girls were late for Arabic class and the other one was late for teaching an English class!

And for my Arabic class, we discussed what our teacher believes in. It was a very interesting discussion. I didn't really say a whole lot, mainly because I don't care for discussions, but the others in my class did a great job. I was just there as a praying friend. Seriously keep our teacher in your prayers as you pray for myself and the other students. I really believe that the Lord is doing a work in his heart, but because he grew up Muslim there are a lot of things we need God to break down. (Some of his beliefs, we need God to break down.) He is open to what we have to say, but there are just some things that we don't agree on, which make it very difficult to talk about.

Tonight, my friend and I discussed Motivation in our English class. Our students answered the questions very well. (Some of them I was like wow that's great!) But, I can just see how they do things so they will feel good and to make their names great. I guess that may be because of how they've been raised-Muslim. But there were some questions that they answered, and I was like wow!! It put me to shame.

Continue to pray for me while I am here. Pray that I would make friends with some girls here, and pray that I would be able to witness to some of them. Before I close, I will tell you about the experience I had with a girl named Sara. She's a college-aged student; she's a true college-aged girl. So, another friend and I talked to her and another girl named Nora. While my friend talked to Nora, I was able to talk to Sara a little bit. I tried explaining Christ to her. I could tell though that she really didn't want to hear about the Lord at that point. Just pray that the Lord would soften her heart to the Gospel. Her name is Sara.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Crazy Night Monday!!!

Well, I thought about not posting this, but I decided to just because I know many people have already heard about it anyways. So, here it goes....

I definitely had the craziest night ever on Monday. Apparently I had 3 seizures during the middle of the night!! I wasn't awake for any of them. My roommates heard that my snoring had changed and I was shaking all over while I was sleeping. So, my roommates wake up the couple we're staying with and they get in touch with another lady. The only thing I remember was that I was sitting upright in my bed and everyone was staring at me. I thought it was weird. So that was the first time. The second time the couple we're staying with just took me straight to a free clinic. The clinic didn't do anything for me, so they say. The third time it happened at 730am. This time I wet the bed!!! I was flipping out when I heard that, lol!!! CRAZY!!! But there wasn't a whole lot I could do about it. So, after that a couple of the girls took me to the hospital with another lady. I was there ALL day!! And they even had me stay overnight!! They had me do a catscan and they gave me a few shots. I pretty much slept the whole day on Tuesday while I was in the hospital. I had to spend the night by myself, although by now I should be a pro at doing hard things by myself (the plane ride and now being in the hospital by myself). God has definitely shown Himself mighty in my life! He has brought me through so much just in the past few weeks! So, Wednesday morning I wake up and the doctor had told me to go see him that morning. So, I go see him and he has me take an EEG! This was the only time I was truly scared. The doctor put these metal things on my head, and I thought he was going to run electricity through me or something really scary like that. But whatever it was, was just something to read my brainwaves. Every test that they did came back normal. Hallelujah!! They aren't sure what caused me having a few seizures, but they did put me on some medicine to help.

I just thank the Lord that it wasn't anything majorly serious and that it was something simple that could be fixed with medicine.

Monday, May 25, 2009


Saturday was kind of a relaxing day for all of us girls. We went to a place called Azilla, which is on the Atlantic. It was so beautiful there! There were so many interesting and beautiful places to take pictures. We all got tons of pictures there. I didn't realize it too much when I was there, but that city has no church--no church! There are at least 20,000-30,000 people that live there, maybe. I was really shocked when I found that out. In America, I know for me that I don't usually think about the fact that people don't know about God. I guess I take it for granted that I have known about God all my life, but yet I don't think about a place that doesn't even have a church which means that they have never heard the Gospel before.
Continue to keep me in your prayers as I seek His will and continue to serve Him here in North Africa! Specifically pray that I would keep my thoughts focused on Him and not on other things that would destract me from focusing on Him.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Is anything too hard?

Well, let me see....things that are hard! Over the past week we have been meeting with people, mainly college age students. We have been assigned to talk to them and ask questions about their culture. So, it has been difficult for me because I am not a talker! But, I am slowly making progress. We also started English class this week, so things have been kind of crazy. I am helping in an Intermediate Class with one of the other students. It has been going really great! We have 4 students, and they know so much! We thought we would be teaching basic, but they know way more than basic. We teach half the time and then just talk with them the other hour.
This past Saturday we rode buses all over the city and tried talking to people. There weren't too many younger looking people out and about but I did talk to a girl named Miriam. That was really good; hopefully we will be able to talk to her more.
Something that I have been learning is to not count my life so dear to me. Sometimes I get in to the habit of what I want to do with my life, but it isn't about what I want. It is about what He wants to do with me. So, pray that I will be closer drawn to Him.
I am sorry for not writing much in the past week. Like I said, things have been crazy here, but I truly believe that God is working. Continue to pray that we would be courageous and not be ashamed of the Lord. Also pray that we would be able to build these relationships that we have made so far.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I am not alone!!

Things are going better for me here. Sunday was awesome to hear the believers singing praise to God and even giving testimony. It was really awesome and a blessing. Arabic is coming along. I think every day I am getting it more and more. It's not easy but I know that God is giving me the strength to get through it.
Tomorrow I gain 4 roommates, so I won't be alone too much anymore. Pray that they will make it safely and that everything would go smoothly with their flights.
I have claimed the verse Psalm 62:8 for my times here in North Africa. Continue to pray as I am learning the language and as I complete my schooling here as well. Thank you so much!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Finally here!!

Yay! I am finally here in North Africa! Thank the Lord all the flights went well! Thank you for keeping me in your thoughts and prayers. I was reading my Bible on the plane yesterday or very early this morning in Psalms. The verse read: What time I am afraid I will trust in thee. What an encouragement! I had been really nervous, but I just need to trust in Him. 

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Last few moments

Well this is my last time I will be able to post in the US. I am so excited about this week! The emotion of leaving my family and friends actually hasn't hit me just yet. I am sad, but I know that I will be back-just in 3months.

This morning started off very scary. I told my 9yr old brother that I would take him to school. So, we hop in the car; I put the key in the ignition and it would not crank!! I tried it a few more times and still nothing. I was frantic! I started praying that the car would start. I even called a few of my friends and asked them to pray. But the Lord is great and when I got back to my house my mom had started the car! Halelujah!!

So, now I am leaving shortly to go to my sister's house in MD for the BIG day tomorrow! I am excited, anxious, nervous, and a little scared to be honest. But, I know that the Lord will be with me. So, why am I scared and nervous? I guess it is just my human nature. I do ask that you pray for me tomorrow at approximately 8:50. I will be flying all night. I should arrive at my destination around 11 o'clock on Friday morning. Thanks again so very much!

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Wow! I cannot believe I will be on a plane in 3 weeks headed for North Africa! Amazing!! I was given the opportunity to talk to some children at my church here in PA, and I was telling them about the need for North Africa. They need to hear about the Lord! There are millions who have never heard about Him. Pray for me that I would have the strength and courage as I teach English to them and as I learn their language- Arabic!

I am praying every day that He would use me while I am there and that He would teach me many things. I know it will be difficult at times, but I know that He will be with me!
Keep me in your prayers as I seek to serve Him and draw nearer to Him!

Monday, April 13, 2009


Waiting for something we want is not easy! Recently, I have decided that while I am waiting on the Lord's perfect timing I am going to serve Him to my fullest potential. This summer I will be going to North Africa on a mission's trip. Pray that God would be glorified through all I do.

I'm waiting
I'm waiting on You, Lord
And I am hopeful
I'm waiting on You, Lord
Though it is painful
But patiently, I will wait

I will move ahead, bold and confident Taking every step in obedience
While I'm waiting I will serve You While I'm waiting I will worship While I'm waiting I will not faint I'll be running the race Even while I wait

I'm waiting
I'm waiting on You, Lord
And I am peaceful
I'm waiting on You, Lord
Though it's not easy
But faithfully, I will wait