Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Shards of Glass

This morning I got to class a few minutes early, so I decided to do some things on my computer. Well, my friend and I were in the middle of checking emails and all of a sudden we hear a loud crash and glass shatter!! Honestly I didn't think too much about it because we have crazy neighbors. Then I see 2 of the other students come out asking for a cloth or bandana that they could have. Then I see the problem....one of the guy students came out with a bleeding arm! The glass had cut his arm terribly!! The teacher and the other students helped get a tee-shirt tied around his arm to help stop the bleeding. So, then they eventually get him to the hospital, and praise the Lord he only had to get a few stitches!! So, that is an answer to prayer!

On a more serious note, I do ask that you pray for our friend Miriam. Tonight, our friends are going to share the Gospel with her again. She has a lot of questions, but she has told us already that "she could believe" what we believe! Amen, God is so good! He is working in many hearts, I really believe.

Keep praying for us as we are here spreading His glory! I know that through your prayers God is working!! So keep on keeping on!!

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