Thursday, June 4, 2009

Summary of a few days....

Ok, so Sunday was so incredibly awesome! The other half of the church here came to where my group is at to have church. In total there were over 20 people, 12 of them being North African believers!!! It was an awesome sight to see and amazing to hear their voices singing to the one, true God!
Sunday evening I went to meet a few college age students with another girl from the group, which turned into us meeting 2 teenagers! I don't know what it is, but the Lord has been sending teen girls in my path to talk to, and all of them are 15 years old. It's sad but so true that these girls are just like some of the girls I know in America. They're whole purpose for living is for pleasure or they're drifting and waiting for Prince Charming to say the right thing to them. But I am excited because these girls and I might be able to meet up again on Sunday afternoon at McDonalds. Just pray that God would give me wisdom in how I handle the whole situation with them, because they are Muslim teenagers, so I'm sure their parents would not appreciate me telling their kids about the Lord. But, it could be a good thing, because if it effects them it may effect their parents. I know God will work everything out in this situation, but pray that He will give me wisdom to say and do the right things.

The other teen girl I met, I actually went to her house on this past Tuesday. It was really funny because I thought she was at least 20, but when I saw her I knew she would be younger and she told me she was 15. But she is a sweetheart! And her mother was there too, which she helped me with a few Arabic phrases. This is the awesome part!!...They invited me back tomorrow at 3 and she is going to teach me how to make Mint Tea (which is the best tea here in N Africa). Also, they invited me over to their house again next Friday to eat CouCous, which Muslims only eat this on Fridays. So, the Lord has been blessing me with meeting people lately, praise His name!!

Yesterday, we went to Spain which was really fun! And honestly, I was a little nervous, but everything was fine! We walked over the border, which was interesting with the passport patrol people. We got in fine. Basically, we just walked in. While we were there we ate several authentic Spanish cuisine (which made my stomach just lovely). We ate octopus, duck, chicken heart, chicken, sausage stuff, crab salad, and stuff that was like tuna fish. It was definitely not extremely filling to say the least. Afterwards, we passed out John and Romans to Muslims on the street (at least we tried). Some took them but others didn't. I had one guy flat out tell me "no I am a Muslim, I believe in Mohammed". It just made me want to shove it in his face and say this is the truth!!! But I know that if I do that then it just turns them off easier.


  1. Hi Susie!

    It's great to read your updates! I've been praying for you and your opportunity to impact others for Christ while you're there - especially these teens the Lord seems to be bringing your way! It's encouraging to know that our part is just to follow the Lord's leading, whether we plant, or water - know that it's the Lord who gives the increase. Thanks for your faithfulness to be obedient to what He wants you to do!

    We miss you! Love in Christ,

  2. Thank you Mrs Maria!! Love you guys too!!
