Thursday, September 10, 2009

Devotions September 10, 2009

Psalm 78:36-37

Here is a general summary of these two verses... Verse 36 tells us that the children of Israel flattered the Lord with their words and they lied to Him. Verse 37 tells us that their heart wasn't right with God. They also weren't fully/truly committed to the promises that they had made with their God.

Now for me... In my life before Christ, after I would get into trouble I would always pray "God forgive me. I want to live for You. Help me to honor You and glorify Your name". But even after I would pray all that (flattering God), a week later I would go right back into doing the same thing. The Devil would tempt me and I would go running back to my sin. During those times I wasn't right with God- I wasn't a Christian. I told people I was and people also believed I was because of all the good things I did. Boy did I have myself and others fooled!! But, I never fooled God. He knew I wasn't saved. And whoever reads this let me tell you that you cannot fool God. He knows all things! If you aren't saved, get your heart right with God and become a Christian! If you are saved, quit flattering God with your prayers and remember the promise you made to Him.

I know in my own life, Satan knows the weak areas of my life. And he likes to attack those areas a lot. It is a daily struggle, but I am learning to put the Shield of Faith up with the Devil comes along and tempts me. If you are going through a similar situation, remember "I can do all things through Christ".

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