While I was there God used some wrong decisions I had made to bring me to the realization that I was living like a Pharisee and that I was just going through the motions-even my salvation. I thought that I had gotten saved 10 years ago, but nothing really changed in my life. I didn't even want to tell people that I had gotten saved! Now, I know for sure that I am on my way to Heaven! Praise the Lord! God has changed my heart in many ways; I have a peace and a joy like I never had before!
The first week in
Church was very different in the sense that we couldn’t just set up a church building and have a church service. We had to be very wise about it. Basically we had a house-church. We would have the service at the Moroccan believer’s apartment, the missionary’s house, and a few times we set up a tent in the forest outside of the city. I couldn’t understand most of it because of the language barrier, but I loved to hear them sing. For the first part of the service we would just sing songs - in Arabic. I loved it! It was just awesome to hear men who have only been saved for 2 or 3 years singing praises to the Lord. It was a beautiful time.
My favorite memory/experience while being there was when we took a trip to one of the believer's family's village. While we were there I guess the Lord just broke my heart for the people, not only North Africans, but the people who have never heard the Gospel one time. I would love to go back some day, but for now I am learning and serving here at Lighthouse Baptist Church in Dawsonville, GA. Pray for me that I would grow in Christ and not be the same as I was.
Praise the Lord for the work He's doing in you, Susie! I know He's got a great plan for your life. Continue seeking Him, for He is a "rewarder of them that diligently seek Him." (Heb. 11:6)Praying for you!