Tuesday, November 17, 2009

My God of Wonders

Well, I have to admit that I have been lazy in writing on my blog, so I am sorry for that. But I have to share this with everyone!!!

As most everyone knows I have been having issues with seizures. (I actually had one 2days after my last post.) I don't have a job or insurance. My roommate and her mother took me to the ER after I had my last seizure- September 15. Of course my bill was out of this world, at least for me because I didn't have a job. So, of course I am praying every day that the Lord would provide a job for me so I can make the payments on it. I get a statement/bill in the mail this past Friday. So, I call the people and I start to lay my complaint before them, when she asks me for my account information. So, I told her the number. As soon as I finish telling her my account number she says "That account has been taken care of". I said "What? I owe $193 this month; what are you talking about"?! She went on to ask me about the charity I had applied for. I told her that I had, but I thought I was denied. She told me that I had been approved 100% by charity!!! I was so excited that I let out a big "praise the Lord" over the phone! (I think the lady thought I was a bit crazy!) But I know that that was totally God. I looked at the letter I received telling me that I was approved 100%, and it did say I was approved. I guess I just didn't understand that it was saying approved and not denied. But I know that the Lord has His reasons for letting me not understand a month ago. He let that happen, so He could show me, very visibly, that HE is in control and I don't have to worry, because He is going to provide my every need!
Another miracle that He performed is that I am getting all my healthcare done through a free clinic here in Gainesville. And also I am getting an MRI and an EEG done through Health Access totally free. Ain't God good!!?? I know He has been for me and will continue to be; all I have to do is trust Him.

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