Friday, January 29, 2010

Complaining and Lies

I have been reading in my personal devotions in Exodus lately. Today I was reading about how the children of Israel were complaing to Moses about not having food and water. They were basically saying that God wasn't providing for them. There were a couple things I thought of while I was reading...

You know it is so crazy to me how quickly they forgot about how God led them out of Egypt. God did anazing wonders in their sight and yet they for got so fast. It reminds me of my life; how quickly I forget what God did in my life these past few months. I'm not happy with my situation right now- not being able to drive or being unemployed- but I have to keep reminding myself that God is always going to provide, IN HIS TIMING.

The other thing was about lies. The Israelites were believing the lies of the Devil. They were listening to Satan as he told them that God wasn't providing for them. But the truth was that God was providing for them. He hadn't left them in the wilderness all alone. He was guiding them day and night. Yet, they had started believing a lie. First, about them not having water to drink. Then about them not having food to eat. Moses even told them that they weren't complaining to him or Aaron, but that they were complaining to God! (I'm sure that is still true today. We don't complain to the authority in our lives, we're actually complaining to God. I know that pierced me alot today.) I know in my own life right now I have been battling different lies. One in particular is about not having a job. I have been looking and looking for a job since September when I moved back to Georgia. And lately two of my best friends have been given or found second jobs. (No offense to them whatsoever!! I love them, but this is what I am going through right now.) At first, I felt like and I did say "God why haven't I gotten a job yet?!" But lately, God has been teaching me to keep trusting Him and believing the truth that He will provide a job (and many other things). The key is IN HIS TIMING. The Lord wants us to wait patiently for Him so He can be gracious unto us. It's a hard lesson to learn, and one that is a day to day thing. But, I know I must keep believing HIM.

God is who He says He is!
God can do what He says He can do!
I am who God says I am!
I can do all things through Christ!
God's Word is alive and active in me!

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