Tuesday, September 29, 2009

PreDepression Sign

Ok, so I have to be honest...I have had signs of depression in my life! My bestest roommate ever told me that signs of depression are NOT BRUSHING YOUR TEETH in the morning and also not getting ready as well. So a simple little thing like that could lead to depression! And I have to admit, I have been discouraged alot lately. But I am learning to have faith, but also to let God build it too. I think that God has me going through the situations I am going through to build my faith.
Pray that as I go through these situations that God would be glorified through ALL of it; that every thought would be honoring and glorifying to Him.

So, from now on I am going to get up, pray, brush my teeth and get ready, then go on glorifying God with whatever I do that day!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Devotions September 13, 2009

Ok, well I have to praise the Lord first of all. God gave me the opportunity and courage to talk to Bro Blackstock on Thursday about getting baptized and joining LBC. And so this morning I was baptized and tonight I, finally, joined Lighthouse! Amen praise the Lord!

Now on to the devotions... also Bro Blackstock preached about Missed Mercy tonight, and part of my devotions were about that same topic. I read in Psalm 85. The Psalmist David is thanking God for forgiving the sins of the people but also to revive them so they can praise Him. God wants to revive me. I believe He has and still is reviving me. Revival starts with getting right with God. I did get right with God; I accepted Christ as my Savior and I am trying to draw closer to Him each day. At the end of verse 6 it says "that thy people may praise thee". I cannot properly praise the Lord for all He has done for me when my heart is not right with God. Every day I need to ask God to revive my heart, so I can truly praise Him. Verse 8 says "I will hear what God the LORD will speak...but let them not turn again to folly". A lot of times I say I am going to change and after I hear what God tells me to do, but then a week later I turn back to the same thing that got me into trouble. I missed some Mercy Warnings from my leaders and from my God. Whoever reads this, let me say that it is very easy to just talk it up. You may think you have it under control but you don't. Satan knows our weaknesses (trust me he knows mine). Once we let God out of our lives, that is when Satan comes to us to take us down.

Teens, listen to what your parents and other leaders tell you. God uses them as Mercy Warnings in your life to help you not make the wrong decisions. In my own life, I had 2 or 3 different Mercy Warnings before I made the wrong choice. Now, I regret making the choice I made. Listen to what God is trying to tell you. Obey what He says and don't go back to that trouble!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Devotions September 10, 2009

Psalm 78:36-37

Here is a general summary of these two verses... Verse 36 tells us that the children of Israel flattered the Lord with their words and they lied to Him. Verse 37 tells us that their heart wasn't right with God. They also weren't fully/truly committed to the promises that they had made with their God.

Now for me... In my life before Christ, after I would get into trouble I would always pray "God forgive me. I want to live for You. Help me to honor You and glorify Your name". But even after I would pray all that (flattering God), a week later I would go right back into doing the same thing. The Devil would tempt me and I would go running back to my sin. During those times I wasn't right with God- I wasn't a Christian. I told people I was and people also believed I was because of all the good things I did. Boy did I have myself and others fooled!! But, I never fooled God. He knew I wasn't saved. And whoever reads this let me tell you that you cannot fool God. He knows all things! If you aren't saved, get your heart right with God and become a Christian! If you are saved, quit flattering God with your prayers and remember the promise you made to Him.

I know in my own life, Satan knows the weak areas of my life. And he likes to attack those areas a lot. It is a daily struggle, but I am learning to put the Shield of Faith up with the Devil comes along and tempts me. If you are going through a similar situation, remember "I can do all things through Christ".

Thursday, September 3, 2009

For in Christ you are a New Creature

Well, I am back in America and in Georgia! But, I do miss North Africa. Thank you so much for all the prayers while I was there and also while I was in the hospital as well. I know God answered all of them, because God did some awesome things in me. I had a different kind of experience while I was there. Most people would think that when you go on a Mission's Trip or Internship that you are there for the people (which you are, don't get me wrong), but for me God had me go there so I could get some things straightened out between me and my God.
While I was there God used some wrong decisions I had made to bring me to the realization that I was living like a Pharisee and that I was just going through the motions-even my salvation. I thought that I had gotten saved 10 years ago, but nothing really changed in my life. I didn't even want to tell people that I had gotten saved! Now, I know for sure that I am on my way to Heaven! Praise the Lord! God has changed my heart in many ways; I have a peace and a joy like I never had before!

The first week in
Morocco I experienced a little culture shock. Not only was I the only student there, but being a female, I couldn’t really go out to a lot of places by myself. The first few nights I cried a lot, mainly because I missed my family and friends! I thank God that He gave me a heart that can adapt to culture quickly. And I also had some really great roommates while I was there, which helped a lot in times of loneliness.

Church was very different in the sense that we couldn’t just set up a church building and have a church service. We had to be very wise about it. Basically we had a house-church. We would have the service at the Moroccan believer’s apartment, the missionary’s house, and a few times we set up a tent in the forest outside of the city. I couldn’t understand most of it because of the language barrier, but I loved to hear them sing. For the first part of the service we would just sing songs - in Arabic. I loved it! It was just awesome to hear men who have only been saved for 2 or 3 years singing praises to the Lord. It was a beautiful time.

My favorite memory/experience while being there was when we took a trip to one of the believer's family's village. While we were there I guess the Lord just broke my heart for the people, not only North Africans, but the people who have never heard the Gospel one time. I would love to go back some day, but for now I am learning and serving here at Lighthouse Baptist Church in Dawsonville, GA. Pray for me that I would grow in Christ and not be the same as I was.