Monday, October 10, 2011

The Untouchables

I am reading "No Longer a Slumdog" by K.P. Yohannan. I came across this poem and wanted to share it. It is a poem written from the perspective of a boy who is a Dalit and what it is like in their caste.

"I am nobody

Worthless my life is

To Untouchables I was born

A Dalit child my fate sealed.

I was born in slums

Rights? We have none

To upper-caste our lives we owe

Slaves to serve all their wish.

Poverty and hunger

Is all I ever knew

If there is hope

Tell me how?

What is my future?

Do I have any?

It all looks so dark

And I wish I was not born."

These children who live in the slums of India need someone to share with them the hope that Jesus gives freely. There is hope, but they won't ever hear about it unless someone actually goes and tells them.

Pray for India. There are over 250 million people, mainly Dalits, living in these same situations today. I praise the Lord for prayers being answered and families going to India to share Christ with these precious people!!