Sunday, December 11, 2011

Do we care enough??

Today I finished reading an amazing and inspirational book, No Longer a Slumdog.

At the close of one of the chapters it ends with this story:

In some parts of the world, when the tide comes in from the ocean, it brings with it thousands of starfish. Then the tide recedes and leaves thousands of them behind on the shore. Many of these starfish cannot make it back to the safety of the water before the sun comes up and dries them out.

A man was walking along the shore one day and witnessed this sight. He stared at all the starfish, saddened that many would die. Then he saw a young boy walking in the other direction. The lad would stop and pick up a starfish and throw it into the ocean. He continued to do this, picking up one after the other and throwing them back into the water.

"Why are you doing that?" the man asked the boy. "Don't you realize there are miles and miles of shore? You're wasting your time. You'll never make a difference. The boy picked up another starfish and hurled it back into the ocean. As it landed, he said, "I made a difference for that one".

While I am here in the United States, am I caring enough for those I minister to? Each child who rides my bus- am I caring for each of them. Oh yeah it is easy when they are obedient. But, those ones who act up are usually the ones who are hurting so badly on the inside. And they need someone to care.

This book has opened my eyes alot to see the need of the children and families in India. They are living in a world of hopelessness. They need people who care enough about them that they would actually go and tell them. But, there are those in our neighborhoods or down the street who also are living in worlds of hopelessness. My prayer and goal this coming year is that I would make a difference in the ones I minister to--even if it is one person at a time.

Monday, October 10, 2011

The Untouchables

I am reading "No Longer a Slumdog" by K.P. Yohannan. I came across this poem and wanted to share it. It is a poem written from the perspective of a boy who is a Dalit and what it is like in their caste.

"I am nobody

Worthless my life is

To Untouchables I was born

A Dalit child my fate sealed.

I was born in slums

Rights? We have none

To upper-caste our lives we owe

Slaves to serve all their wish.

Poverty and hunger

Is all I ever knew

If there is hope

Tell me how?

What is my future?

Do I have any?

It all looks so dark

And I wish I was not born."

These children who live in the slums of India need someone to share with them the hope that Jesus gives freely. There is hope, but they won't ever hear about it unless someone actually goes and tells them.

Pray for India. There are over 250 million people, mainly Dalits, living in these same situations today. I praise the Lord for prayers being answered and families going to India to share Christ with these precious people!!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Gardening Lessons

I don't know why, but lately I have been dealing with some "issues". Mainly about being single. I don't deal with it all the time, but the last few weeks have been a struggle. I read this morning Ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 1, "To every thing there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heaven." I also go to Lumpkin County Jail every Monday night with my friend. Last night, one lady drilled my friend with questions about why God was letting certain things happen to her and why He wasn't answering her prayers.

You know, I have no idea why any of that happened to that lady, nor do I understand why I am still single, except this: God knows all about it and He has a purpose for it.

The first part of Ecclesiastes 3:11 states, "He hath made everything beautiful in his time". God is the creator of all things. I will give the example of flowers. Flowers take a lot of time for us to see the end result. You start with sowing the seeds. Then you have to keep watering them every day, sometimes more than one time a day. But, after a while you see the end result- beautiful and fragrant flowers.

That is what our life is. God works in our life; He purges us at times; He even picks out the weeds, if we let Him; He waters us through His Word. In His time, we will blossom into beautiful and fragrant flowers that will bring Him glory.

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him and he will direct thy path. This is the prayer of my heart today, to trust God will everything and let Him direct my path!